We offer two styles of wedding videography packages: Cinematic Videography Packages (Like a movie with professional audio) and our new Oh, Heck Yeah Documentary Videography (Like a documentary).
For a full description of the videography styles and raw footage, click here: Treelite Films FAQ
If you have any questions regarding anything included in the following packages, please reach out to us, we are happy to help you understand.
Videography is discounted within our wedding photography packages.
Cinematic Videography
Base Package: 8 Hour Cinematic Coverage | 2 Videographers | Multiple Camera Angles | Professional Audio Recording | 12 Minute Cinematic Highlight Reel | Complimentary 1 Minute Social Media Teaser Video | Cinematic/Polished Raw Footage
Base Package: 8 Hour Cinematic Coverage | 1 Videographer | Professional Audio Recording | 7 Minute Cinematic Highlight Reel | Complimentary 1 Minute Social Media Teaser Video | Cinematic/Uncut Raw Footage
The Works Videography Package 8 Hour Cinematic Coverage | 2 Videographers | 12 Minute Cinematic Highlight Reel | Complimentary 1 Minute Social Media Teaser Video | 45 to 60 Minute Full Documentary Ceremony + Reception Video (Features the entire ceremony and all formalities of the reception from start to finish with professional audio recording applied) | Complimentary Drone Footage (if conditions permit) | Cinematic/ Polished Footage
Base Package Add-on
Full Ceremony and/or Full Reception Formality footage can be added to the Base Packages. We would need to know prior to the wedding day, if you would like to add Full Ceremony and/or Reception Formality footage, as this will alter the methodology and strategies used to capture the events in their entirety.
Documentary Full Ceremony + Reception Video
Average 30 to 60 minutes in length depending on the length of the ceremony, and reception events.
Features the entire ceremony and all formalities of the reception from start to finish with professional audio recording applied.
Please note that we must know prior to the wedding day if a Full Ceremony or Reception Video is desired.
$500 Ceremony - Full Ceremony Edit
$500 Reception Formalities - Full Formalities edit
Drone Footage Ariel videography coverage (weather and location permitting)
Oh, Heck Yeah Documentary Videography (O.H.Y)
8 Hour Coverage | Natural Moments, Sounds and Happenings Captured Naturally | One Videographer | In Camera Audio Recording | 7 Minute Highlight Reel | Complimentary 1 Minute Social Media Teaser | Uncut Raw Footage
Description: Fly-on-the-wall candid videography. Like a documentary, not cinamatic like a movie.
For a full description of the videography styles and raw footage, click here: Treelite Films FAQ
Video Samples
Wedding Teaser (Extended Version)
CAFFEINATED style | Wedding Teaser (Extended Version)
Wedding Teaser (Extended Version)
Wedding Highlight Montage